Posts tagged Confidence
How to Get Past The Fear of Self Promotion

As women business owners, it can be hard to "brag" about who we are and what we do for our customers. One could argue that the way we've been brought up in society has told us not to make a big deal or draw too much attention to ourselves.

So, when someone asks us what we do, how can we overcome that often staggering fear of self-promotion and confidently say, "yes, this is who I am!" 

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5 Ways to Break Free from the Comparison Trap

Admittedly, I find myself in this situation too often these days. As I'm in the middle of launching my marketing and brand storytelling business, I come across others who seem to have all their shit put together. Meanwhile, my business plan is only half finished, I'm writing my blogs last-minute, and, well, I haven't bought a new pair of shoes in over a year.

Getting to this point sucks. I feel worthless - like I can't measure up - and almost feel as if I should just give up. After all, if I don't look like these perfect Instagram influencers today, how will I ever get there?

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