Think ‘brand storytelling’ is just a fancy fad marketers came up with to have a new trend to talk about? We thought that too. But then we did some research. Here’s what we found brand storytelling is all about (and how it helps businesses connect with their customers & grow).
Read MoreMany people are applying the KonMari method to everything from their homes to their computers. Donation and garbage bins are filling up and people are taking action on a dramatic level…all thanks to the magic of storytelling.
Read MoreOver the past couple of years, a new marketing trend has evolved from content marketing called brand storytelling. It's one that has taken the business world by storm. And it's no wonder - after all, it's built on something so human that it just works.
Read MoreThe decision to rebrand your biz is often both exciting and overwhelming. While it seems like everyone around me is working on refreshing their brand image, there’s a few things you want to know before you do the same.
Read MoreTo many, Payless ShoeSource is the place for moms and low-income families to get cheap shoes. But for one day - under a new name and a fake brand created for this PR stunt - Payless became Palessi, the super-chic luxury shoe store only open to celebrities and fashion influencers. So, why did it work, and will the effect last long-term?
Read MoreDisney has crafted the art of telling a powerful - even magical - story, and they know how to get people to buy, buy, buy. So, how do they do this? Here are a few elements you can implement to tell a story like Disney.
Read MoreIn a world where privacy and security is a growing concern, it’s difficult to know where to draw the line. So, how do you know what the right balance is? How do you share your story without having to share everything about yourself?
Read MoreYour brand has a backstory, no matter where in the lifecycle it’s at. It’s that backstory that establishes the foundation for your brand story and tells your customer who you are and what you’re all about. Here’s how to write a captivating backstory that will provide the foundation for your brand and create a deeper connection with your audience.
Read MoreHaving a brand without personality is like finding a shell on the beach. Sure, it's beautiful and you might want to look at it for a while - maybe even take it home - but, there's no living, breathing thing inside of it. Compare that to the experience of finding a shell with a hermit crab living inside of it, and suddenly you have a completely different experience.
Read MoreWhat makes your business stand out is your story and the unique life experiences that you can bring to the table. So how do you use storytelling to stand out?
Read MoreEstablishing your brand story can sometimes feel a little bit like an awkward conversation with a stranger. As you sit down to think about who you are and what you'd like to accomplish as a business, it's easy to get overwhelmed and lost in the abstract question that is, "who the hell am I?"
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